Palliative Medicine
Sydney Local Health District
CAM24315 Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the Advanced Trainee position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 1,780 open jobs by clicking here.
  1. MBBS or equivalent, currently registered or eligible for registration with the Medical Board of Australia.
  2. RACP advanced trainees (Palliative Medicine and other subspecialties), Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine trainees, Clin. Diploma of Palliative Medicine (RACP) trainees, Faculty of Pain Medicine trainees and Family Medicine Program trainees or as detailed under Qualifications above.
  3. Completed at least three years residency since graduation.
  4. Current Driver’s license (P2 licence acceptable)
  5. Proven satisfactory clinical performance, supported by submissions of two current referees.
  6. Demonstrated sound, effective communication skills with patients, medical and surgical colleagues and other staff.
  7. Demonstrated commitment to own personal and professional development.
  8. A professional attitude and flexibility in work role with a preparedness and ability to participate in after-hours overtime and on-call rosters and the required rotations both between services and geographical location to deliver patient care (including rural locations if applicable to the stream).

Need more information?
  1) Click here for the Position Description
  2) Find out more about applying for this position
For role related queries or questions contact Lynn Na Lim on Lynn.Lim@health.nsw.gov.au

Applications Close: 24, January 2025

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